Fever, red hair and a giant baby

Yes, I’m still alive. These past two weeks have been a little busier than usual. To start with, summer club came to an end and The Great Entertaining Challenge started at home. I’ve been trying to balance doing my own work and taking care of Robin with spending a lot of quality time with Maia. It hasn’t always worked out but we’re getting there slowly. Unfortunately, little Miss Entertain Me has been running a fever for the past four days. She’s been at my parents for that long too, to avoid exposing the baby to whatever germs are causing her to be so poorly. We go to see her everyday but I’m risking every time I take Robin there. So far so good…and this morning has been the first one without fever since Sunday. I can’t wait to have her back home. It’s too quiet here without her. There is also a small project I’ve been asked to contribute to and I can’t wait to let you know all about it!

In other news, I have finally managed to get myself to the hairdresser’s to have my colour done. I feel human again. I’ve said this before and I’ll never tire of repeating it…there is very little freshly dyed hair won’t solve. It did take four days of coordinating with the husband and the salon, but we finally managed to get it done. Robin joined me for a feed while a stylist was rubbing colour into my hair but she didn’t seem to mind at all.

We also had Robin’s visit at the paediatrician a couple of days ago. She’s weighing almost 8kgs, something I suspected from the aches and pains I’m getting from carrying her. She’s also off the chart when it comes to length. I’m really hoping she slows down a little because the way things are going, she’s going to be a giant (which is the word the doctor used to describe her, poor thing). The shock came at the end of the visit, when said doctor told me that there are now new guidelines regarding weaning. Basically, he suggested we start with some baby rice and fruit in a month’s time. That’s just 30 days! She’s three months old today and no matter how big she is, she’s still so young. I must admit I got all misty-eyed when I tried imagining weaning her off the breast in such a short time. I am going to wait and see how ready she is when the time comes. In the meantime, I sterilised the breast pump this morning because the general consensus seems to be that now is the ideal time to introduce at least one bottle a week. I’m keeping my fingers crossed she won’t refuse it.

Happy holiday to all on the islands! We’re off to visit our little patient…


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  1. wow lol, well you always did say she was going to be a big baby! Emily’s just over 8kg!!! crazy!

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